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Build the Forum into your strategy and join us for this remarkable opportunity to share your brand, products and services with mobility decision-makers. It will put you in front of a unique audience interested in products, services and solutions that will help them implement improvements in their workforce mobility. Sponsorship opportunities range from exhibition presence to presentation opportunities or we can tailor a bespoke package to your individual business needs.
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Event Testimonials
Keryn Mendes T-GMS | Global HR Mobility Specialist | CSIRO
The Mobility Forum 2018 hit the mark for me as a corporate Mobility professional. The one day provided me enough time to hear the latest in the industry, network with industry colleagues and meet some new faces also. As a practitioner of over 12 years in this industry I was very pleased to see some fresh air breathed into the industry and the level of engagement around the rooms was energising. I left with a suite of new ideas to implement back in house and look forward to 2019’s forum!
Ian Cragg | Co-Founder | SendFX
‘’A great moment today for #Send to be a part of the Melbourne Mobility Focus conference alongside the biggest names in the Global Mobility sector. Another fantastic event put together by Katie Leliard and the Jasper Events team. We made some high level connections and look forward to the their 2020 events #globalmobility’’